• “Chris is intense but laid back.  He’s real.  He sees threads, understand organizational dynamics, and puts things into perspective.”

    — Joane Browne, CEO, Lott Industries
  • “Chris provided a critical ear to hear myself talk.  Our conversations surfaced the issues I needed to deal with.”

    — Steve Hirzel, President, Hirzel Canning Company
  • “Chris installed the platform, discipline, and team that transformed The Andersons railcar start-up into the company’s most profitable business.”

    — John Barrett, Chair & CEO, Western & Southern Life Insurance Company
  • “Chris has helped me grow as a leader and expand my ability to synthesize and communicate board-level messaging and executive-level strategic thinking.”

    — Andy Caputo, CFO, GPRS, Inc.
  • “Chris has a unique and compelling way of coaxing me from my fox hole and reorienting me to the bigger picture that’s unfolding.”
    — Rankin Walkup, VP Sales, The McAlear Group