This is the foundational process for the work I do.

The Distillery

The C.J. Anderson Co. Journal

Section 1: Growing Up Anderson – One Perspective

“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” Desmond Tutu (1931 – ), South African social rights activist During the Great Depression, my grandparents bought 100 acres of virgin land in Northwest…


“When experiences are traumatic, the neuro-pathways getting the most use are those in response to ... Read More


  • “Chris’s ability to simplify complicated issues down to their essence is unmatched.”

    — Randy Jones, CEO, Tireman Auto Centers & World Tire Corp.
  • “Chris played the pivotal support role to me in our clean exit from an incompatible distribution business.”

    — Drew Milligan, Chairman & Co-Founder, Bionix Development Corporation
  • “Chris installed the platform, discipline, and team that transformed The Andersons railcar start-up into the company’s most profitable business.”

    — John Barrett, Chair & CEO, Western & Southern Life Insurance Company
  • “My confidence expanded.  So did our profit.”

    — Pam Pitzen, EVP, Anderzack-Pitzen Construction
  • “Chris’s process made change a positive event. It eliminated fear and uncertainty, allowing me to achieve more than I thought possible. Every coaching session yielded significant value.”

    — Jim Whalen, Chair & CEO, Gem City Engineering