My Process

The 4 Cs Process is the cornerstone of my work. It’s not a complicated, rigid system designed to yield cookie-cutter outcomes; it’s fluid and expansive, allowing us to handcraft your experience and maximize your results.


The foundation for my work is surprisingly simple: Conversation. Connecting on a human level through authentic conversation will allow me to adapt our work to meet your emerging needs.  We’ll establish a foundation for mutual trust and learn to move seamlessly between big ideas and the detailed actions required to bring them to life.  Prior to session one, you’ll complete a Leadership Circle Profile™–a breakthrough 360 assessment that will shed light on your avenues for leadership growth and accelerate the maturation and effectiveness of our working relationship.


We’ll surface new viewing points and you’ll learn to think in new, more impactful ways. You’ll become skilled at recognizing emerging gaps between today’s reality and your desired future, aligning the right people and processes to close the gaps, and seeing opportunity where you once experienced frustration. Crafting viable alternatives to achieve your goals and aspirations will become second nature.


You have some semblance of what you want to accomplish with your business and your life. But with the constant demands on your time and energy, you haven’t invested in the work required to clarify that picture and break it into digestible pieces. We’ll remove the noise and fluff distracting you, isolate the powerful ideas brewing in your head, and convert them from the implicit to the explicit, so you begin to take actionable steps toward their execution.



The overarching goal is to enhance your ability to trust your instincts, take educated risks, and move into uncharted territory with confidence. You will be amazed at your ability to quickly assess yourself, your company, and your industry, make informed decisions, and drive sustainable growth.  Deeper connections and greater clarity will emerge with each conversation, and your confidence will soar as your decisions and actions begin to deliver envisioned results.


  • “Chris has helped me grow as a leader and expand my ability to synthesize and communicate board-level messaging and executive-level strategic thinking.”

    — Andy Caputo, CFO, GPRS, Inc.
  • “Chris is intense but laid back.  He’s real.  He sees threads, understand organizational dynamics, and puts things into perspective.”

    — Joane Browne, CEO, Lott Industries
  • “Chris incorporates both hard and soft skills in his work with senior leaders.”

    — Don Mennell, Chairman, The Mennel Milling Company
  • “If you’re serious about your personal development, working with Chris is a no-brainer.”

    — Todd Hendricks, Jr., President, Pioneer Industrial Systems
  • “With Chris’s guidance and wisdom, I’m seeing and trusting leadership qualities I’ve always felt I had but wasn’t able to demonstrate.”

    — Steven Vandenbossche, CFO, The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.