• “We’ve discussed nearly every facet of my company and I’ve gained tangible, actionable items that have improved my management and leadership skills.”

    — Tony Zimmerman, President, Zimmerman Building Company
  • “Chris applied heat and pressure at the right time.  He accelerated my ability to move from contemplation to decision to action.”

    — Kurt Miller, President, Miller Diversified, Inc.
  • “Chris has a unique and compelling way of coaxing me from my fox hole and reorienting me to the bigger picture that’s unfolding.”
    — Rankin Walkup, VP Sales, The McAlear Group
  • “Chris’s ability to simplify complicated issues down to their essence is unmatched.”

    — Randy Jones, CEO, Tireman Auto Centers & World Tire Corp.
  • “I got clear on what it means to be a CEO.  I made tough decisions I wouldn’t have made.”

    — Don Feller, Chair, Feller Finch Engineers & Architects