• “With Chris’s guidance, I’ve grown my business and become a better person.”

    — Neal Golding, President & Founder, JellyFish RAS
  • “Chris challenged me to reflect at a deeper level and instilled insights that serve as gifts that keep on giving.”

    — Bruce Smith, Chair & CEO, Detroit Manufacturing Systems
  • “I got clear on what it means to be a CEO.  I made tough decisions I wouldn’t have made.”

    — Don Feller, Chair, Feller Finch Engineers & Architects
  • “Chris is a skilled trouble-shooter with the hard leadership skills required to help management teams fix their problems and maximize their results.”

    — David Nichols, Retired President & CEO Rich’s Lazarus Goldsmith’s Macy’s Division of Federated Department Stores, Inc.
  • “Chris provided a critical ear to hear myself talk.  Our conversations surfaced the issues I needed to deal with.”

    — Steve Hirzel, President, Hirzel Canning Company