• “Chris simplifies and articulates complex problems and provokes unique remedies.”

    — Sam Gianino, Director, Waterford Bancorp
  • “Chris incorporates both hard and soft skills in his work with senior leaders.”

    — Don Mennell, Chairman, The Mennel Milling Company
  • “Chris has helped me grow as a leader and expand my ability to synthesize and communicate board-level messaging and executive-level strategic thinking.”

    — Andy Caputo, CFO, GPRS, Inc.
  • “Working with Chris is the epitome of the student becoming the teacher.  His approach is unconventional and priceless.”

    — Todd Greibe, CEO, Residex
  • “Chris creates new options and direction that break companies out of entrenched situations.”

    — Charles Sullivan, Retired Chairman & CEO, Interstate Bakeries Corp.