“Chris challenged me to reflect at a deeper level and instilled insights that serve as gifts that keep on giving.” — Bruce Smith, Chair & CEO, Detroit Manufacturing Systems
“Chris challenged me to reflect at a deeper level and instilled insights that serve as gifts that keep on giving.”
“Chris provided a critical ear to hear myself talk. Our conversations surfaced the issues I needed to deal with.” — Steve Hirzel, President, Hirzel Canning Company
“Chris provided a critical ear to hear myself talk. Our conversations surfaced the issues I needed to deal with.”
“Chris creates new options and direction that break companies out of entrenched situations.” — Charles Sullivan, Retired Chairman & CEO, Interstate Bakeries Corp.
“Chris creates new options and direction that break companies out of entrenched situations.”
“Chris applied heat and pressure at the right time. He accelerated my ability to move from contemplation to decision to action.” — Kurt Miller, President, Miller Diversified, Inc.
“Chris applied heat and pressure at the right time. He accelerated my ability to move from contemplation to decision to action.”
“We’ve discussed nearly every facet of my company and I’ve gained tangible, actionable items that have improved my management and leadership skills.” — Tony Zimmerman, President, Zimmerman Building Company
“We’ve discussed nearly every facet of my company and I’ve gained tangible, actionable items that have improved my management and leadership skills.”