• More Revealing – The Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) is the only 360 assessment that connects patterns of behavior with habits of thought.
  • More Advanced – LCP instantly reveals key opportunities for leadership development without reams of documentation.
  • More than an assessment – Its rich theoretical underpinnings provide a pathway to transformation, unlike all other 360 assessments.
  • More Efficient – The findings allow coaches to start at a breakthrough point for growth rather than spending months trying to isolate one.
  • More Dynamic – HR professionals, leaders, and coaches, consistently report that LCP facilitates authentic, breakthrough results.
  • Widely Accepted – LCP is truly world class and used by a vast array of leading local, national, and international organizations, and government agencies.

Learn more here!



  • “Chris is intense but laid back.  He’s real.  He sees threads, understand organizational dynamics, and puts things into perspective.”

    — Joane Browne, CEO, Lott Industries
  • “We’ve discussed nearly every facet of my company and I’ve gained tangible, actionable items that have improved my management and leadership skills.”

    — Tony Zimmerman, President, Zimmerman Building Company
  • “Chris strives to understand fully the position you’re in and all the complexities before trying to dive in. He causes you to think through problems in a different way.”

    — Matt McAlear, CEO, The McAlear Group
  • “Chris’s process made change a positive event. It eliminated fear and uncertainty, allowing me to achieve more than I thought possible. Every coaching session yielded significant value.”

    — Jim Whalen, Chair & CEO, Gem City Engineering
  • “Chris has a unique and compelling way of coaxing me from my fox hole and reorienting me to the bigger picture that’s unfolding.”
    — Rankin Walkup, VP Sales, The McAlear Group