Are You Hiding?

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“Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.”
~W. Clement Stone

If you’re like most leaders, you’re not getting out of your office enough.  If so, what’s your excuse?

The informal organization drives the bus. If you want to influence them, you need to know who they are and what they’re thinking, feeling, and saying. You’re in the wrong role if you’re hiding behind a middleman.  We’re talking about close human contact, not a check-the-box exercise. It’s time to get your butt out of the seat, and have the courage to connect with the folks doing the heavy lifting.

The only way around is through. Are you hiding? The toughest obstacle is getting to the starting line.



  • “Chris is a skilled trouble-shooter with the hard leadership skills required to help management teams fix their problems and maximize their results.”

    — David Nichols, Retired President & CEO Rich’s Lazarus Goldsmith’s Macy’s Division of Federated Department Stores, Inc.
  • “Chris’s ability to simplify complicated issues down to their essence is unmatched.”

    — Randy Jones, CEO, Tireman Auto Centers & World Tire Corp.
  • “Chris installed the platform, discipline, and team that transformed The Andersons railcar start-up into the company’s most profitable business.”

    — John Barrett, Chair & CEO, Western & Southern Life Insurance Company
  • “Working with Chris is the epitome of the student becoming the teacher.  His approach is unconventional and priceless.”

    — Todd Greibe, CEO, Residex
  • “With Chris’s guidance, I’ve grown my business and become a better person.”

    — Neal Golding, President & Founder, JellyFish RAS