ANDE Camp Cropped & compressed

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  • “Chris provided terrific guidance during my transition from COO to CEO.”

    — Jeff Walsh, CEO, Sasser Family Holdings, Inc.
  • “Chris challenged me to reflect at a deeper level and instilled insights that serve as gifts that keep on giving.”

    — Bruce Smith, Chair & CEO, Detroit Manufacturing Systems
  • “Chris’s ability to simplify complicated issues down to their essence is unmatched.”

    — Randy Jones, CEO, Tireman Auto Centers & World Tire Corp.
  • “Chris is intense but laid back.  He’s real.  He sees threads, understand organizational dynamics, and puts things into perspective.”

    — Joane Browne, CEO, Lott Industries
  • “Chris simplifies and articulates complex problems and provokes unique remedies.”

    — Sam Gianino, Director, Waterford Bancorp