Charles Sullivan

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  • “If you’re serious about your personal development, working with Chris is a no-brainer.”

    — Todd Hendricks, Jr., President, Pioneer Industrial Systems
  • “Chris has a unique and compelling way of coaxing me from my fox hole and reorienting me to the bigger picture that’s unfolding.”
    — Rankin Walkup, VP Sales, The McAlear Group
  • “Chris’s ability to simplify complicated issues down to their essence is unmatched.”

    — Randy Jones, CEO, Tireman Auto Centers & World Tire Corp.
  • “Chris asks insightful questions that make me stop and think about my business in a unique way.  He is not only profitable to be around but personable, insightful, and fun.”

    — John Rinaldi, CEO, Real Time Automation, Inc
  • “Chris incorporates both hard and soft skills in his work with senior leaders.”

    — Don Mennell, Chairman, The Mennel Milling Company